Saturday, October 6, 2012

personal reflection on a rainy day

So, as many of you know…I am now 23.  Don’t ask me…I don’t feel any different, I don’t have gray hairs and I unfortunately still have my period.

This morning, like every morning… I walked to work.  I walk everyday because my bike is currently broken and I am too lazy to get it fixed.  40 minutes to school and 40 minutes home.  A lot of people here think I am crazy “look the gringa is walking again”…but walking brings me peace.   I have my music, not many people are out, the sun is rising…and I have 40 minutes to leave all of my negative energy in the streets.  Putting aside the air contamination, piles of garbage, the occasional homeless man peeing on the wall and the stray dogs…it’s therapeutic.

During these long walks, I laugh.  I laugh out loud.  I sometimes feel stupid…but I don’t care.  I smile to myself and I laugh, laugh, and laugh.  I laugh about stupid things I said when I was drinking, I laugh at my students, I laugh at my life, I laugh at my own insecurities…I laugh.  I sometimes pretend my body is a car and when I pass people on the sidewalk I like to mumble “zoooooom.” I laugh.  I am laughing right now thinking about how stupid and weird I must sound. I entertain myself for 40 minutes each morning and each evening… and I laugh.

I can’t wipe a smile off of my face.  I am 23 and I am happy.  I am not just happy in terms of “how are you today?” happy.  I am overwhelmingly overwhelmed by happiness.  A calm has taken over.  

I’ve never been full-filled like this before.  I’ll admit it.  It has taken me a very long time to achieve this, feeling…this sensation.  Of course I have had periods of my life where I was happy…but nothing compares to the completeness that I feel today.  I feel happiness on a different level.  There is happiness in the tears I cry, in the pain that I sometimes feel.  A year ago I was really struggling.  I was at a low point. I conformed.  I conformed socially, emotionally, and I was easily influenced.  I agree that it’s okay to go with the flow… but it’s not okay to be the flow.  I wore clothing that did not reflect who I was.  Christ, I was wearing Polo and I was shopping at Talbots.  Nothing against Talbots, or Polo…but they are just…not me.

I will never regret who I was.  I’m still the same person to everyone else.  But inside…my human nucleus-has changed.  Why?  Let’s rewind to a few important milestones in year 22.

Graduation. From October to May of last year I finished my last year in the University.  I got a 4.0 GPA for my last two semesters and graduated with honors.  I worked at the VT education abroad office, which opened many doors for many international opportunities, one of them being the Peace Corps. After being accepted, I was handed a token of bad luck and experienced for the first time what it was like to take responsibility for “my” actions.  As unjust as my situation was, there was something to learn and there was definitely no one else to blame but myself.  At the time…my world crumbled.  Everything that I saw so clearly turned into scattered blur again.  I cried for a month straight, I think. If it weren’t for the endless support and comfort from my parents and my roommates I would have jumped ship, no doubt.  I hit rock bottom.  But we all have to understand…that life moves on.  You have got to get out of bed. It’s cruel…but nobody, nothing stops for us.  We are alone.  It is a very difficult concept to understand, but it’s real. 1. We are nothing but a number.  If we can’t learn to help ourselves, we go off the grid.

Independence.  After the painful formalities of graduation, I spent three weeks in Florida and chau, moved to Chile. I haven’t told this to many people…but I had an out-of-body experience three years ago while spending a summer in Chile studying Spanish.  Standing on a beach in Chiloe,  (in the very South of Chile) I changed.  I can honestly say there was a moment, a moment of complete, mind, body and soul, transformation.  A type of energy erupted through my veins … and I matured.  I can’t explain it because no one can explain what happens during these moments.  But for the only time in my life…I can say, at this moment, this one solitary moment, everything I once knew, everything I understood…became dislodged, and refreshed, it was a new beginning.

So after graduation, I came back.  I came back to the culture, to the people that I enjoyed so much for just one summer.  I’ve been here for almost a year and a half now and I just recently decided to stay one more year to gain more experience and save my money. I can’t stand when people say to me “come back to the USA so you can start the real life.”  Excuse me.  Last time I checked…I was living a “real” life.  But I get it, I’m not following the rules:  I don’t make a lot of money.  I am not doing anything related to my degrees nor am I studying something new. I am not engaged… I’m 100% single and I chose my solitude.  I don’t want a car.  I gave away my IPhone because I hated it.  I don’t like football, I actually hate football and I could care less if VT wins or loses.  I only own enough clothes to get through 1 workweek. I live in the present and disregard the future. And I value my independence over anything else in the world. 

Living in the United States I felt so much pressure to follow societal rules.  I respect and value the rules. I do, I really do. If there weren’t rules, society would be a mess.  However, I think a lot of people follow the rules because that is what is expected.  I chose not to.  I create my own rules.  I am judged for this.  I am doubted because of this.  But it makes me stronger.  It motivates me to live.  Not to let life pass me by…but to live.  Be on the offense. Embrace life.  Challenge life.  Be an individual.

Solitude. There was a time in my life that I couldn’t be alone.  I needed to be surrounded by people, always.  A room full of strangers still turns me on.  I crave it.  I love it. The art of a conversation has always been my forte.  However, in this past year I have learned to enjoy time alone.  I can be with myself for hours.  Really, I find it that you are never alone.  My best friend and worst enemy is my mind.  I constantly question my own perspectives, I have confronted my darkest of thoughts…and I have taken my mind to really, scary, places.    I have learned where I don’t want to be.  And I have learned where I want to be.  We always read articles about being positive and how positive thoughts lead to positive outcomes.  It is 100% correct.  There is something positive in everything that is negative.  We just need to challenge ourselves to find it.  It has always been difficult to keep my balance…but I now know what I need to do. When I fall down I know what it takes to get back up.  I learned how important it is to keep a healthy mind.  I started meditating.  In the beginning I did 15 minutes a day.  Now I try to do 30 minutes.  There is a peace in taking deep breaths.  In forgetting everything.  Being alone is okay. It’s good, it allows us to explore our human core and grow.

Love.  This past year I fell in love for the first time. I find that love is the most powerful sensation there is for humanity.  It consumes us.  It eats us alive.  It takes over our ability to think, to move, to breath. Love forces us to break down. Love tore me apart and spun me in circles.  But it’s beautiful.  Words are not necessary in the world of love.  With love, we communicate with silence, deep eye contact, and touch.  We memorize the crevices in their hands, the freckles on their backs…our tiniest details are exposed.  There is no room for insecurity when we are in love.  We are stripped of that option.  We give ourselves to another person.  I lost a small part of my independence.  It was ok.  I remember the moment I realized I was in love.  It was simple.  Lying on the grass with my head on his chest.  I heard his heart beat and we were in sync.  It was powerful.  I felt like we were one.  It was…an amazing feeling.  He taught me how to love. I put everything aside and let it happen.  I know that everyone has different experiences with love…but I hope that everyone, one day, can feel what I felt.

Friendship.  Bouncing right off of love.  I feel that friendship is the next best thing that I have gained over the past year. Now, I am not talking about a typical friendship here.  I am a master at making friends.  I have tons of friends.  If you look at my Facebook, I have over 1000 friends.  I could be a professional friend maker.  But living so far away I have realized who my real friends are in the USA.  There are people that I thought I would never speak to again and have proven to be better friends then others who I spent all four years at the university with.  It’s weird how friendships work out.  It has also been a bit of a journey making friends in another country, in another language.  However, recently I was having a drink with my Chilean friend Pamela, who told me how important I was to her.  She told me about a discussion she had with her mom:

“Sarah is someone that is gets along with everyone, I can bring her anywhere. With Sarah, she’s not just a friend that I ‘party’ with.  She is someone that I can hang out with, watch movies with, invite to the house for tea."

It has been really difficult to find girlfriends here in Chile.  As simple of a statement it was…it meant that I was finally accepted.  You don’t typically have conversations like this here. You just, don’t. I have ‘proven’ myself as a person of trust, morals, and openness.  The basics.  I guess I can thank my parents and the Catholic Church for that.  She told me that she could be herself around me.  Exaggerations, material items…were not necessary.  We had built a strong friendship.

I also learned that I can be a bad friend.  There are people that have reached out to me and I have turned them down.  I enjoy disappearing sometimes.  I don’t respond to emails, I refuse to turn on Facebook chat, and I don’t…reciprocate.  This is something I hope to change. Friends are important wherever you are in the world.  Just because I am here doesn’t mean my friends aren’t interested in how I am, my job or my crazy Friday night out.  It’s important to share.  Sharing is such a fundamental concept…but we sometimes forget how.  I have become more selfish.  This is true.

There is something to learn everyday.  There are always things you can better about yourself.  For example, I am currently working on my reactions to conflict, getting rid of grudges and my selfishness.  We all have our faults but in the end of the day I’m a decent person.  I know that this has been a pretty 'deep' blog post haha…but I’ve had a few days of personal reflection.  I hope that you can all take something from what I have written…or maybe now some of you will just, understand me better. 

One thing though…

You need to ask yourself…are you truly happy? Really dive into your emotions.  Question what you’re doing.  Play your own devil’s advocate. Test yourself.  Find your darkness and front it.  We forget to do this…we are scared to do this…but through my internal journey over the past year I can’t express how important it is to find total acceptance.  Your very own…equilibrium.

 23 is going to be a great year. 

On a totally less serious note.  The above post is super profound.  I know.  It was a rainy day and my mind was rolling. There were about six other themes that I wrote about that I saved for another day.  One of them was my family.  I have come to terms that it is important to find our own type of therapy.  For some it is exercise, others it is laying on the beach with a margarita, and me…I like to clear my mind through writing.  So, I write.  Some of it is funny…some of it is jumbled up confusion and the rest…well, it is my own generic thoughts.  Today, I wanted clarity. 

Like I mentioned, I am doing really well here in Santiago.  I am forcing myself to participate in, everything, a little more.  I recently decided to stay another year.  The school I work at offered me an indefinite contract.  I really didn’t want to stay.  I wanted to move on and start a new adventure.  However, my mom made a really good point.  She said that I could have a new adventure…but in Santiago.  She told me I needed to stop running.  It’s okay to stay put.  In the end the school year is only 9 months.  I have always been on the run.  When I feel comfortable, it’s time to leave.  It got me thinking.  After summer vacation I am going to change the house that I live in.  I want to move to the center of the city.  A place called Barrio Brasil.  It is an old part of the city but it has a lot of character.  There are a lot of artists, coffee shops and eccentric bars. I think it will be a good fit…or at least a nice change.  I am going to start playing the guitar again.  I will be getting a larger salary so I will pay for classes.  Instruments are so universal…they can connect us with anyone, anywhere in the world.  I would really like to have this skill to share with others. I am going to play soccer again.  I have been doing a lot of running recently and I really miss playing soccer.  It will also open up a new network of people.  Anyway, changes. 

I am headed back to the USA for a full month in December.  I’ll spend the majority of my time in Florida.  I’ll get to see a lot of family.  I will also be celebrating NYE in Washington DC with my friends.  10 days in DC will be amazing.  After this I am going to take a month to travel the south of Chile, alone.  I don’t want plans or drama.  I’ll finish my trip hiking Torres del Paine in Patagonia. 

I wish that I could give you all more about my day-to-day life here.  But I really do not have a lot of news.  I am giving private English lessons to a man that is good -friends with the Chilean president…I guess that’s cool! I am celebrating my birthday tonight.  Friends are coming over for a few drinks then we are going out dancing.  Monday. I am starting my summer campaign.  Healthy eating, exercise….bikini season, YIKES!

Thank you, everyone, for the birthday wishes that you sent me.  It was a wonderful day and I have had a bunch of great moments with special friends. I love and miss everyone and I hope to hear from some of you that I haven’t heard from in awhile. 

I’m done.  I’m mentally drained and I need to go organize my room and take a shower. 

Have an easy week. 


 Eating sopapilla's with my friend Camila during September 18th-Chile's national holiday.
 At a fonda celebrating 18 de septiembre.  It was my turn to play waitress.
 Participating in the relay race at our work bbq.
 a photo of my friend Pamela and I at a picnic.
I learned how to dance Chile's national dance.  The cueca.  Spending time with 'family' and friends.


  1. Hi Sarah, I'm a new PA at the VT EA office and just got your email about the new post! Shannon has mentioned how much she loves reading your blog on more than one occasion, so I thought I'd follow the link you sent and man, I KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN. To all of that. Granted I'm a few years behind you, (or I hope I'll be on a similar level in a few years anyways)I've have had many of the same thoughts, almost scarily similar, and, well, you're awesome. I mostly just read the most recent post but you're a great writer and it's cool, and unusual, to find someone (via blog nonetheless) that is so on par with life. Well, with my personal definition of it anyways. I just wanted to throw an "amen" your way, and note that the EA office seems to attract great, interesting people. I'm also banking on this comment not being creepy.. I think I'm fine.. right? After 4 months of blogging from South/Central America during my semester abroad, it was interesting to be on the other end. There's something to be said for that side too. Anyways, Thanks :)

    Shannon French

  2. First off you look lovely. What an inspiring post. 23 is going to rock for you. I'm a little jealous that my year is over, but I guess I have 2023 to look forward to. And youre an awesome writer. I'm working my way backwards in ur blog
