Wednesday, August 15, 2012

free write, oooo yeaaaa 23rd post

I have been wanting to write so bad for the past few days.  So I am not going to pay attention to grammar or the thought process and just give it ago.

Well things have been complicated since I got home from the United States.  I had such an amazing visit and saw all of the great things my friends are doing that I am starting to reconsider how long I will stay here for.  NOW…I am not saying that I will be returning back to the US, I am just saying…I am looking at different options and not letting any opportunity pass me by....costa rica???????? i want a male surfer to feed me frozen fruit, play with my hair, draw my name and his name and a shape in the sand, and buy me a green motor scooter.

My job, is, well, getting old.  I still love my little babes who give me all the love and attention that I need to get through the day…but my working environment is just horrific!   There is constant drama, jealousy issues and I am just getting tired of it! 

For example, I went to a party with co-workers about two weeks ago...i went with the Jesuit student priests, after eating at their Jesuit dorm house, and driving in their Jes-mobile.  about two hours into the night.. a group of the elementary school teachers showed up.  Yeah, I know, they have their ‘closed’ group of friends…but I tried to interact and get to know the group as to the fact that I work with them and never have the opportunity to share with them outside of the classroom.  Well, not to my surprise, they gave me the cold shoulder and continued singing karaoke (they were deafening).  Eventually, the boyfriend of one of the girls approached me and told me that he wanted to practice his English, annoying. Yeah, sure, whatever. MAXIMUM 10 minutes I spoke with this mammoth when I escaped for a potty break.  When I exited and returned, I was enlightened with a huge, scream-o fight between A. girlfriend/co-worker and boyfriend/gringa-chaser.

After embarrassing themselves in front of everyone.  The boyfriend re-approached me, (what did he want this time, Christ). He told me “I am sorry, I can not speak with you anymore, you know how Chilean women are.” NO SIR I DON'T

Well, needless to say, I had limited friends the rest of the night.  The girls and their boyfriends left (without saying goodbye)….that made for a very awkward Monday morning at school. Cueeeeeeeeeck,

It’s been cold here…I finally bought a new winter jacket.  It’s really stylish…it’s actually kind of like a sleeping bag.  I’ve slept in it at least 4 times since I bought it.  The greatest thing is that it was only about 30USD. I love bargins and I love big green jackets.

OHhhhhhhhHHHHHhh do I have some funny relationship/dating stories for you all.  I guess I should go back to the first one….

#1, Nice boy, takes me out for dinner and drinks, soooo original and cute…………..I know!!!!!!!!!  Well anyway, after racking this guys bill up…(was not planning on a second date) I go to offer to pay for half.  HE ACCEPTS AHHAHAHAHAHHAHA jokes on me.  Shit.  ANDI had just gotten done explaining to him that I was a “POBRE-SORA” Like a “PROFESORA” but inserting “POBRE” like a “POORPROFESSOR”…it was one of my first Spanish jokes-don’t laugh too hard!  Well anyway, I opened my bag to take out my money…when I realized…I only had what was equivalent to 2USD.  I had forgotten that I took my money out when I went out dancing the night before. Uuuuuuuuuuuu that was awkward…AND it made it impossible to deny a second date. 


#2, After a few miserable dates…I finally found someone that sparked a little interest.  Marcelo.  Really cute, long-ish curly hair (sometimes he put it in a little bun, LOVED that), moreno, a mix between hippy/rock, driven, energetic.  Solid guy.  I actually met Marcelo when I was with my ex-boyfriend.  He was the waiter at a bar that we always went to.  (our eye contact was like fire lazers, rawrrr)  and, naturally, when I became single, I somehow found myself perched up at that very same bar, every night, for two weeks straight.  Until, the magic happened, our first conversation, sighhhhhhhhhh. 

I had been at the bar with some of my guy friends watching the Spain vs. i forget soccer game.  long story short, i finally had a conversation with marcelo, told him i couldn't stay and hang out with him and his friends because (obvious reason, i didn't know him, only his eyes) i had plans with my guy friends and i left. BUT, i was feeling saucy and about 30 minutes later, i ditched my guy friends and i RETURNED hahahaha who does that? was like a movie, yep, and there he was ...with his friends.....reallllllllly confused as to why i reappeared, and to be honest, my first line was, "i don't know why i am here again, i feel crazy." but loveeeeeeee (or lust) makes you crazy, doesn't it??? definitely pulled that out from the knowledge i have gotten from my obsession of chick flicks.

Yessssssss, and after our first interaction, everything fell into place.  We had many magical?? dates, drinking beer,….yeah, ugh, anyway…. But after about 2 months of texting and gchatting it was time to wrap the relationship up, i was bored and he expressed he wanted something serious and I still wanted….drinking beer dates. 
So he came over one night to hang out…you know,  listen to music, discuss theory, hug, play pogs….our relationship.  And as we were in the process of discussing life, we started to talk about 'clarity.'  And through all of my current confusion in life, and lack of “clarity” it was at that moment, I couldn’t have felt more certain that I did not want to spend another moment with this boy….profounddd, right!  So, I ended it, right there…right then. He. Did. Not. Take. It. Well.--- he stormed out like a 12 year old girl that just got told she would have her braces on an extra year. 
            In retrospect, I am not sure if it was my Spanish, and that I couldn’t express myself 100% or just that he had really strong feelings for me and I stomped on his red shape. but in the end i do feel 'a' ping of guilt....he left me a really expensive gift that I am still hoping to give back to him, one day.

LESSON LEARNED:  NEVER play pogs with curly-haired Chileans.

#3 This happened last night, not sure if it is too soon to be writing about this…but it is TOO good not to share.  The best part about this.. it wasn’t even supposed to be a date!  We have a new roommate, Felipe, and he’s great…he has really made a great attempt to integrate himself into the house ‘onda.’ Last night I got home for work really late and he asked me if I wanted to get a drink with him—it was on him. SURE, why not. Free mojito-I’m in! Well, after about 100 peresonal questions, 2 mojitos, and 1 corona later …he tells me he wants to take me to his favorite bar that has live music. Sureeeeee, why tomorrow, no cellphone to escape, live music…I can dig it.

Worst. Decision. Ever. Not only was it weird having my roommate telling me “how good” I look (I hadn’t showered in two days, no make-up, purple pants with a a lime green shirt, uffffff I was looking, ufffff) but that wasn’t the worst part.  The average age in this bar was 40.  All, couples. And the music…not even sure, romantic folklore might be the genre? And, you can imagine how awkward that made things… and better yet he started a sing-a-long. And NOT, just sing….SHOUT. He was, belting out the words to these romantic love songs. People were staring.  But this kid had his eyes closed screaming so loud he didn’t seem to care.  I did. Oh my god, I did.  After about 3 songs of painful humiliation ...

I yawned and told him I wanted to go home.  Pouting, he said…”just one more song.”  I told him I’d wait outside.

LESSON LEARNED: …………………………NEVER go out with a Chilean?

Well besides my unhealthy, unlucky love life….drama-filled job---I think I’m doing okay!  I have a lot of things to look forward to.  Next month I am going to the CHILE vs COLUMBIA soccer game here in Santiago.  Then about a week after that is 18th de Septiembre.  I have a week off from work and it is the best holiday in the world.  Chile’s Independence Day. I will behave badly, eat a lot of food, dance my booty wild and enjoy every moment of it.

Personal changes…I have brown hair and a dreadlock. Yes, 1, dreadlock. If you tell me you don’t like it, I don’t care. I just can’t wait for the day I don’t need to strap a plastic bag to my head in the shower.   Most people fall depressed suffering a broken red shape.  I get a dreadlock. 

Here’s some pics.

Some of my friends at work... Angela, Ricardo, Me, Rodrigo, Cecilia
This picture was taken outside of the historical theatre at the colegio.  It was the "Dia de San Ignacio" where we were celebrating the Saint, Ignacio. We had a very formal lunch inside the theatre.  It was a three course meal with really great red wine and good company.  They offered us espresso and a desert bar at the end...I went wild. 

War zone.  The most recent Chilean Educational protest.  I live about 10 minutes walking from here.  As I was riding my bike to school, I turned down a street to find hundreds of people running in my direction throwing those little bomb things. errrrrrreeeerrrrrrrr quickly turned my bike around zoomed back to my house...left my bike there...jumped on a micro...was on it for about 4 minutes when the driver said that he would not continue on the normal route because he didn't want to have this happen:::::

So....I had to get off the bus. SPRINT to the metro...where I arrived to work about 20 minutes late... and had an asthma attack.  When I walked through my neighborhood later that night I noticed that there was glass smashed all over the ground...there was not one stop light standing, EVERYTHING had been torn down and destroyed.  There were also still things burning in the streets.  Walking through the streets the next morning I was still affected by the lingering tear gas.  I had to walk to school with my scarf over my face...but my throat still burnt and my eyes still were watering.

On a lighter note, here is a picture of me and my German roommate, Kerstin, at the cicletada 200.  It was a protest for better bike paths in Santiago. There is one on the first Tuesday of every month--but this one was special as it was the 200th one! There were over 1000 of us that met in the main plaza, Plaza Italia. People were dressed in costumes, others had boom boxes strapped to their bikes, there were balloons everywhere and it was pure craziness.  We took over the big main street in Santiago and road in a pack for about 2 hours.  We stopped all traffic and had a blassssssst.  IT WAS AWESOME--and I only ALMOST fell once!!! ...maybe right after this photo was taken.
Plaza Itlaia, Cicletada 200

alright well, i'd say i'm done. i have no new news. i walk, i eat, i breathe (sometimes, i'm really suffering from the smog) i go out at night and i'm single. oh, i watch netflix in my bed, season 3 of lost. and i am still reading 50 shades of gray...kind of like a boyfriend? it's raining today. i am going to a friend's to cook homemade pizza. but i really would prefer to eat dominos deep dish. 

whatever. gotta go shower. hopefully the water doesn't scorch me like it always does.  no wonder i haven't shaved my legs in.....

over and out

1 comment:

  1. Sarah you are amazing! Haha I love reading about your life and escaping mine :)
