Thursday, May 16, 2013

click clock click clock

It’s been a long, LONG time since I have updated this blog, cueeK!

I’m going to make it quick, no edits, no thinking… just writing.

I couldn’t be any better.  I am in a great spot, physically and emotionally.  It’s always scary to find yourself smiling while walking down the street because you know that your state of blissful happiness will soon take a tumble…but I have learned to enjoy it while it lasts.  

I’m a busy woman these days. I have made my weeks my weekends and my weekends my vacations.  I play soccer on Monday’s and Tuesday’s and I rock climb on Wednesdays. Thursday’s are social days and Fridays I like to rest. I have spent almost every weekend away from Santiago rock climbing. 

I haven’t done a lot of partying.  Or maybe I have…just not a lot of drinking.  I have been enjoying my weekend get-a-ways way too much to loose a day to a hangover.  I also don’t like who I am when I drink a lot.  Shit, I’m growing up.

I am still teaching English.  This year I teach 1, 2, 5 and 6 graders and an after school high school class.  I am already restless feeling trapped with the strict routine and I don’t find the job very rewarding.. but whatever, I need money.  At least, so far, I haven’t had any children grab my breasts asking for milk.

Maté, big sweaters, empañadas. Rock climbing? Sarah, what? Since when?  Well, to be honest, the first time I went climbing was in Pucón (the south of Chile).  I met some guides while hiking a volcano and they invited me to go with them to climb.  As a person who never turns down an opportunity, I gleefully accepted. We went, we climbed, we repelled, and we fell.  The rope ran out and SPLAT, I fell about 10 feet right onto my back.  Luckily, I only suffered severe bruising and a few days of intense pain.  However, I can’t play it off like it didn’t affect me…it scared me, a lot.  Just thinking about the details of that night puts a knot in my stomach.

Anyway, I started rock climbing after that.  Not sure why.  I guess the fall motivated me.  I have been learning slowly, taking every detail into account-no more accidents! I spend all of my free time outside in the fresh air. Nature is my new religion.  It gives me energy…it fills my lungs with air, brings me to peace, and it takes me to new limits.  I sprawl out in the dirt, I hug the rocks, I feel childlike.  Over the past three months I have been to many breathtaking places.  I have met amazing people.  I have pushed myself to meet goals.  I have been frightened, felt uncomfortable…but there is nothing better than finishing a route.  Taking a few seconds to look around at your surroundings.  Your body is shaking and you’re exhausted but it doesn’t matter because for one moment, you feel on top of the world. 

I have met an entirely new group of friends here in Santiago.  I find that they have a very positive influence on me: less drinking and more activities, overall, guiding me to find a healthier lifestyle.   I am learning a lot from them.  I feel comfortable with them.  I don’t need to try.  They are simple and they don’t expect anything from you, just respect and an equal friendship…an ’I’m here for you and you’re here for me, kind-of-thing.’ Sharing moments together is enough.

I am now living in a neighborhood of Santiago called, Lastarria.  It is smack dab in the center of the city and has a very artistic vibe to it.  The apartment is old and has a lot of character.  I am living with a musician.  His name is Diego and plays the guitar in a flamenco band.  

No boyfriend right now, BUT I have met someone that gives me butterflies for the first time since my ex left me for Europe.  It’s a fun feeling.  I like him.

I have so many awesome stories but I have been writing a lot in my journal.  I like pen and paper.  It’s so old-fashioned and basic. 

My soccer team!  "Factor Sorpresa."  After not playing for almost 4-5 years I am doing pretty well!  I am #49 for the top scorers in the entire league (yeaaaaaaaah, you have to give me some credit there's 40+ teams)!

Here we are in el Cajon de Maipo for a climbing film festival.  Oscar (left) and Claudio (right) are my boys!  They have taught me so much about climbing and we've built a really great friendship.  Even though we fight like brother and sister and they make fun of me for EVERYTHING, we laugh A LOT.  I never miss a Wednesday climbing with them at Casa Arbol. (Our friend's house that has a climbing wall).

 This photograph was also taken at the film festival in el Cajon de Miapo.  We were returning from the "valle de la engorda" right as the sun was setting on the mountains.  The colors were spectacular!  I had an incredible experience climbing here, it started snowing.  There was a moment when I couldn't feel my fingers or my toes...!!  When I got down I couldn't untie the rope or take off my shoes--it was very painful :O

 valle de la engorda-cajon de maipo
valle de la engorda-cajon de maipo

I thought I would throw in a normal picture, wearing normal clothing, without any mountains or rocks. Here I am, with my friend Julia, pronounced, Hulia here in Chile.  I met her while hiking in Patagonia and we have stayed in contact.  She came to visit me in Santiago and I have a trip planned to visit her in Concepcion in June.  Julia also climbs and was a huge inspiration/reason for why I started. 

I'll end with a few random photos from weekends away:

 There is nothing better. Complete and total happiness.

 With Maru, my other favorite climbing companion.  The 'nice' one that stands up for me when Claudio and Oscar are picking on me!

I could never forget to add a picture of my best friend, Katie, and me!  She's not only my best  friend in Santiago she's also a friend of all sports....and food!  She introduced me to both soccer teams I am playing with and we both started climbing around the same time.  We also tend to go on a lot of friend dates together trying out new restaurants and bars around Santiago.  

Well, to be honest I am getting really tired.  I have to take my laundry out to put it on the line and I really want a tea.  Sorry for falling off the face of the earth.  I hope to stay in better contact.  Updates are welcome.
